Monday, 27 October 2008


I'm writing my diary, mentioning people. Those I know now but may not know in 10 years time, 2 years time. It fascinates me, pen in hand, remembering last week and the angst of a single day, a single time, just how small each moment is and just how each action, each thought or utterance may be hugely significant or may pass unnoticed. I am suddenly aware of a perspective.
The broadness of time.

In easy conversation, over tea, a friend observes how I, unconsciously, refer to Quakerism in my speech. My anecdotes, metaphors, comparisons are littered with religion, faith in practice. And with that SNAP! I'm out of myself and wondering what I look like, what I sound like, from your perspective. Amongst the rolling waves of worry, I realise.
We don't see what we become.

Thursday, 23 October 2008


This is not the beginning. The idea of blogging has been growing in me for some time. So here I am finally. I jumped the first brook- I created the blog. Now I'm bounding over the second brook- I'm posting. Who knows how many streams I'll skip over, how many thoughts I'll catch in the air, how long this note will linger.

Let's wait and see..